Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Teen Chat Rooms

First of all if you let your child talk in chat or use instant message sessions you should be convinced he or she uses a monitored chat room moderated and rated G. Spending some time in this chat room before your child to come there is also not out of place. Millions of teenagers come online every day, we want they will be safe and no doubt it depends to a large extent on us, their parents.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
In certain age, when a teenager is starting to undersatnd the way of life, he can choose the right thing to do. But before they can do that by themselves,the parents attempt to convince their kids to do what they think is the right thing, but the kids think that it's wrong. The teenagers need to understand that by themselves, and if the parents are pressing, that causes a damaged conection between them.
Monday, July 21, 2008
How to learn for your exam'
A moment before:
*Dont leave the studying for the last moment
*You need to divide the material to subjects and invest a time for every subject
*Divide your study to small tasks, and conclude the important point's on a card cabinet
*At the first step answer question's from previous exams. At the second step
answer the questions considering the time of exam.
*Create a convention - study at the same place at the same time every day
*Your place for studying need to be comfortable, be aired and lighted with no interruptions
*Ask yourself questions about the subject.
*Interprete what you write at the class into your own words
*Read aloud. It's slowing down your reading, and make possible for you to check yourself by way of the eye-sight and hearing
*The best way to learn something it's to teach the material to other person
*One day before the exam wake up early and study up to 16:00 p.m
In the evening dont study, and chill out.
TIP:recommended to eat one good meal 90 minutes before the exam.
At the moment of truth:
1.Equip yourself with watch, and a can of drink- it will help you to keep concentration.
2.when you get the exam read it quickly, and write on the side some things that can help you to answer the question.
3.If some question seems to you difficult, don't stuck in it, and pass to the next question. Later, if you have time, come back to this question.
I hope it will help you to success in the future:)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Working teenager
Friday, June 13, 2008
Educating Your Child in NY Charter Schools
How to educate a child? This is truely one of the most important questions a parent may ask. And while pursuiting the soultion, parents as well as their kids face a basic choice, which is generally depicted as a struggle between charter and private schools. It should be clear, that absolutely not all parents do want to take on unnecessary expenses in case they will not ultimately benefit their child.
After all, many New Jersey private schools do quite a good job of educating students. The truth about schools is that they don't posess tuition costs. In the opposition are New York charter schools, which can run, on average from 10,000 to 30,000 dollars a year. The myriad of benefits, a private education can offer, still far outweigh the costs. Of course, we can't but mention, that it basically depends on the local options parents may face.
Those, attending charter schools are thought to be more academically challenged. These students are considered to be exposed to clearer value systems. Moreover, they're given a greater access to tutors. Some even say they feel safer than within local public school conditions. However, you should know that admission to private schools will be competitive, and seeking a perfect school, where he or she will be accepted, may take some time.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Homework or having fun?
In most of the cases we are choosing the fun - movie, friends parties, fashion games - even if we know that we will have problems if the homework wouldn't be completed. At first, our decision is to finis our task later. But after the enjoyment, in no time we are forgetting our obligation. The only thing that we (the teens) can do, is to start to be responsible and do our obligations first.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Do your best
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Don't lie to your parents
Teenagers - try to do it by yourself, and you will see how your communication with your parents will be better.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
In the club...
All of us aware to the dangerous that we can find in this clubs, but the teen's
still go.
Just think about it. All of us herd about the murdering,and the fighting,
and all of our parents were asked from us not go.
Simply, why we have to go? we can make fun without this clubs.
It dangerous, our parents will be worried, and we will spend a lot of money,
that we can keep.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Don't be afraid to talk about it!
If you like some boy/girl from your school,I suggest you to try to know him/her better,because you may find out that this person is not what you really want.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Fighting with parents
The second advice is to stop fighting, and let your parents calm down. It always works. If you do it that way, probably, they will understand your situation and listen to you better, than when you're fighting. Sometimes it's more helpful to give in. Don't blame them,it hurts your parents and it doesn't let them chance to understand you.
Think twice!!
Remember these advices, may be it will help. :)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Teen's problems
I wish you will find what you need in my blog.